SICK s.p.a.

固定电话 +39 022 743 4.1
Fax +39 0227 409 087
Fax +39 0227 409 087
SICK SpA is the Italian branch of the SICK Group, based in Waldkirch (D), world leader in sensors for industrial factory, logistics and process automation.
SICK SpA offers on the Italian market:
- photocells and proximity sensors
- barriers, scanners and safety systems for accident prevention
- devices and systems for automatic identification
- encoders and sensors for motion and positioning control
- scanners and laser measurement systems
- industrial instrumentation for the control of physical quantities (pressure, level, flow, etc.)
- systems for environmental monitoring.
SICK SpA offers on the Italian market:
- photocells and proximity sensors
- barriers, scanners and safety systems for accident prevention
- devices and systems for automatic identification
- encoders and sensors for motion and positioning control
- scanners and laser measurement systems
- industrial instrumentation for the control of physical quantities (pressure, level, flow, etc.)
- systems for environmental monitoring.