Research and Innovation
UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE takes part, also in collaboration with Federmacchina, in many activities and initiatives connected with research and development, with the objective of supporting associate member companies during innovation activities, of fundamental importance for ensuring a constant competitive advantage.
The activities of the association on the matter are aimed at:
- offering a contribution in defining and spreading new paradigms for the Italian manufacturing and machine tool sector, a must in order to keep up with foreign competitors;
- monitoring research activities, as well as those topics that are of interest for the machine tool (and in general for the manufacturing) sector, both in technical and in economic-management terms;
- Informing associate member companies of any tenders and initiatives.
- maintaining and improving relationships, at national and European level, with institutions and bodies in charge of defining research support and funding policies.
- promoting the needs of the Italian machine tool sector, identifying topics that are of interest for all the companies of the sector;
- facilitating the involvement of associate member companies in research related initiatives followed and managed by the association.
In particular, the fields of intervention, in terms of research and innovation, carried out by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE for the benefit of its associate members are:
- institutional activity
- direct participation to research activities
- dissemination activities
For information: Technical Department, Enrico Annacondia +39 02 26255.279, [email protected] .