Ucimu Mission

Interested in the developments of the sector and committed to the monitoring of the trends that mould and will mould the future of the companies of the sector, UCIMU provides associate member companies with specific consultancy and tangible services in the support of their activities.
Becoming a member of UCIMU means
- acquiring access to studies, investigations, analysis on specific topics that are of interest for system manufacturers. The studies, carried out by the association, and only disclosed to associate member companies, deal with economic and market analysis, as well as with technology and manufacturing issues, research and innovation, communication, and marketing.
- being able to ask for in-depth information on the studies carried out.
- taking parts in events, workshops, conferences dedicated to the in-depth analysis of current topics, or enjoying the participation of experts on specific issues.
- taking advantage of services, favourable treatment, and promotions offered by the association, also in collaboration with external bodies and companies.
- establishing and strengthening relationships with other representatives of the same sector.
- actively contributing to the definition of the association agenda.
Who can become a member of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE
Membership to UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE is open to any company, with legal headquarter in Italy, who, within the manufacturing of machine tools, manufacturing systems, and related components (work, handling, management and control components), carries out at least two of the three activities that are typical of an industrial enterprise: design, manufacturing, sale (article 5 of the Statute).
Membership is also granted to bodies and companies that pursue objectives similar to those of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, or that are of particular importance for the economy. Among the essential requirements for being granted membership is the possibility of demonstrating a regular and continuous activity, and the full legal and moral reliability of the representatives of the company (article 6 of the Statute).
L’opinione delle Associate
L’indagine conoscitiva e di soddisfazione degli associati è un progetto sviluppato nel 2023, dedicato alle Associate, per meglio conoscere opinioni ed esperienze riguardo alle tipiche iniziative associative.
L’obiettivo dell’indagine è stato quello di sondare il livello di conoscenza e di soddisfazione delle imprese associate con riferimento all’attività svolta da UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, al fine di individuare punti di forza e aree tematiche dove invece apporre miglioramenti.
Dalla raccolta dati emerge un ottimo grado di conoscenza complessivo riferito alle attività e ai servizi offerti (84%), mentre il valore medio relativo alla soddisfazione è ancor più incoraggiante (91%) e rappresenta motivo di grande orgoglio per tutti noi.
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