
UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE is the Italian machine tool, robots, automation systems and ancillary products (NC, tools, components, accessories) manufacturers' association.

The official representative of the sector, UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE has today over two hundred associate member companies, which account for over 70% of the Made in Italy of the sector.

The value and the long-standing tradition of member companies, characteristic of one of the sectors that best represents the whole manufacturing chain, and the capabilities of the association network, make UCIMU one of the most influential representatives of Sistema Confindustria (General Confederation of Italian industry System).

The duties of the association

  • Representation. UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE is the world ambassador of the most advanced Made in Italy Technology, supporting and increasing the visibility of the companies of the sector in traditional and emerging markets.
  • Safeguard of the interests of the sector.  The association takes the requests of the companies of the sector to national, European, and Extra-European institutions, through established continuous dialogues on the main topics of interests for field operators. 
  • Company support and growth.  Taking advantage of the skills of the companies of the group, UCIMU is capable of providing associate members with specialist support on all the aspects of the company activity: from research and development to sales and marketing, from promotion and communication to training.