Piattaforma India Desk

The project Piattaforma India has been promoted by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE – Association of Italian Machine Tools Manufacturers and AMAPLAST – Italian Plastics and Rubber Processing Machinery and Moulds Manufacturers Association.
The two associations agreed on the idea that promoting a network of associations and entrepreneurs who have developed knowledge and experience on the Indian market, can be useful in favoring of new paths of development for business.
The interest of the association of Italian manufacturers of machine tools, robots, and automation systems for India is in particular due to the strong current expansion of the country, in response to the need for enhancing, and making its own manufacturing system more competitive.
Through the Piattaforma India Desk the association is now able to offer a more direct support, guaranteed by the presence of an officer operating directly within the territory, entrusted with helping all those interested in approaching possible partners, or in intensifying their presence in the area.
The Indian companies who are interested to form JV, cooperation, technical tie up, purchase machinery etc from/with Italian machine tool manufacturers can contact below mentioned address for any assistance.
Contact information of Piattaforma India Desk:
Mr. Nilesh Joshi (Manager – Italian Machinery Desk in India)
c/o The Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
349 Business Point - Office No.501, 5th Floor Western Express Highway
Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 069 (India)
Tel. : +91 22 67728186
Mob.: +91 9320888873
Fax. : +91 22 67728191
Email : [email protected]